Automotive Purchasing, Insurance and Services Lists
Our Automotive lists are comprised of highly responsive individuals looking to purchase or secure insurance for cars and auto-related products.
Focus USA has an effective mix of lists each targeted to a different segment of Automotive purchasing and services. Here is just a sampling…
With FocusOn Auto you can reach auto owners and/or auto leasees with lease expiration date. Our comprehensive auto database with over 125 million postal addresses has 100% matching emails. Selects include Make/Model/Year, In Market to Buy, Leasee/Lease Expiration Date and Loyalty Buyers. Motorcycle and ATV owners are also available to select.
The Auto Mega File is the best choice for companies marketing insurance and other auto-related products. Not only does it contain auto insurance x-dates, but also vehicles by make, model and year as well as VIN, all of which is selectable.
Nationwide Auto Intel is one of the largest and most comprehensive auto files on the market. This is more than an auto file, motorcycles, boats as well as recreational and commercial vehicles are available. Nationwide Auto Intel is derived from multiple sources, including dealerships, service centers, insurance and warranty information, online, public records, vehicle maintenance, title services and manufacturers.